Solar street light application solutions

Key Formulas for Solar Street Light Design

This article summarizes essential formulas commonly used in solar street light design, integrating national standards and practical case studies from various papers:

1. Average Road Illuminance Calculation

Eavg = (N × Φ × U × K) / A

  • Parameter Description:
    • N: Number of fixtures
    • Φ: Total luminous flux per lamp (lm)
    • U: Utilization factor (0.4-0.6)
    • K: Maintenance factor (0.7-0.8)
    • A: Road area (m2) = Road width × Lamp spacing

6m wide road, lamp spacing 30m, using 10,000 lm LED, one-sided lighting:
Eavg ≈ (1 × 10,000 × 0.5 × 0.75) / (6 × 30) ≈ 20.8 lx

Solar street light design

2. Solar Panel Power Calculation

Ppv = Qday / (Hpeak × ηsys)

  • Parameter Description:
    • Qday = PLED × Twork (Daily energy consumption, Wh)
    • Hpeak: Local annual average peak sunlight hours (check meteorological data, e.g., Beijing 4.5h)
    • ηsys: System efficiency (0.6-0.75, including line losses, controller losses)

Load power 80W, daily operation 10h, Shanghai Hpeak=3.8h:
Ppv ≈ (80 × 10) / (3.8 × 0.65) ≈ 324 W

3. Battery Capacity Calculation

C = (Qday × D) / (DOD × ηbat × Vsys)

  • Parameter Description:
    • D: Number of consecutive cloudy days (usually 3-5 days)
    • DOD: Depth of discharge (0.5 for lead-acid batteries, 0.8 for lithium batteries)
    • ηbat: Charge/discharge efficiency (0.85-0.95)
    • Vsys: System voltage (12V/24V)

Daily consumption 800Wh, 24V system, 3 days backup, lithium battery:
C ≈ (800 × 3) / (0.8 × 0.9 × 24) ≈ 138.9 Ah → Choose 150Ah battery

4. Solar Panel Installation Angle

θ = φ + (5° to 15°)

  • Parameter Description:
    • φ: Local geographical latitude
    • Winter optimization: latitude +10°~15°, summer optimization: latitude -5°

Nanjing latitude 32°, fixed bracket tilt angle set at 37° (32°+5°) to improve winter power generation.

5. Wind Pressure on Solar Panels

F = 0.61 × v2 × A

  • Parameter Description:
    • v: Maximum wind speed (m/s)
    • A: Wind-facing area of the photovoltaic panel (m2)

Panel area 2m2, design wind speed 30m/s:
F = 0.61 × (30)2 × 2 = 1098 N
Need to verify the wind resistance of the lamp pole and foundation.

6. Component Operating Voltage Correction (Temperature Effect)

Vmp = Vmp(STC) × [1 + α × (T – 25)]

  • Parameter Description:
    • α: Temperature coefficient (approximately -0.35%/°C for monocrystalline silicon)
    • T: Actual operating temperature (°C)

Nominal component voltage 18V, operating temperature 60°:
Vmp ≈ 18 × [1 – 0.0035 × (60-25)] ≈ 15.3 V

7. Voltage Drop Compensation Due to Temperature

ΔV = Nseries × α × ΔT × Vmp(STC)

3 series-connected components, each Vmp=30V, temperature difference 35°:
ΔV ≈ 3 × (-0.0035) × 35 × 30 ≈ -11V
Need to adjust the MPPT voltage range.

8. Solar Panel Capacity Optimization Design

Empirical Formula:
Ppv(opt) = 1.2 × Ppv

  • Consider shadowing, dust loss (efficiency reduction of 10-20%)
  • When paralleling multiple components, increase bypass diodes to reduce hotspot effects.

9. Typical Design Parameter Comparison Table

ParameterReference ValueStandard Basis
Illuminance uniformity U0≥0.4 (main road)CJJ45-2015 Road Lighting Standards
Component tilt angle error≤±3°GB/T 9535 Photovoltaic Module Standards
Battery cycle life≥1500 times (lithium battery)GB/T 22473 Energy Storage Standards
Wind resistance rating≥12 levels (33m/s)GB 50009 Building Load Code

Note: Actual design should be combined with PVsyst simulations and DIALux lighting simulations, and validated through field tests.


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