solar camera

Quelles sont les caméras de sécurité sans fil à alimentation solaire pour l'extérieur ?

What issolar-powered security camera?

Solar outdoor security cameras harness power from the sun and are used to provide 24 hours of surveillance without relying on electricity. It uses the solar panel to convert energy from the sun and uses that to power the camera without the need for electric sources or cables. The whole system is self-sufficient and only rely on natural resource to charge which means no subscription charges or monthly fees.

A solar-powered security camera is a good option at places where running cables would be expensive and impossible, such as construction sites, remote areas like rural farms, barns, etc.  The complete system includes solar panels, cameras, and rechargeable batteries.

outdoor solar security lights


How do Solar powered security cameras work?

Solar cameras use high-grade solar panels to convert the sunlight into direct current (DC).  An inverter is used to convert DC into alternating current (AC) which is then used to power solar cameras and batteries for continued use. The excess power created by solar panels is stored in these rechargeable batteries which act as a power source during the night when there is no sunlight. Contrary to the most common belief that solar camera doesn’t work during cloudy and rainy days, there is always some amount of light that can pass through rain and clouds and can be used to power the system.

But undoubtedly, the efficiency of the system will decrease during rainy or cloudy days to some extent. Moreover, the system comes with a weatherproof design that can withstand extreme conditions. Some models also come with dust-proof treated with UV protection, or a canopy that allows the camera to take clear visuals while it’s raining.

solar camera street light

The amount of electricity that a solar panel for an outdoor solar security camera can generate depends on several factors like the orientation of the panel, average sun exposure, weather conditions, etc. In order to maximize the output power of the system, place the solar panel perpendicular to the sunlight, and the tilt of the panel should be adjusted in a way to have maximum exposure to the sun during peak hours.

The system should be kept away from the places where there is enough shade throughout the day and should be installed away from obstacles that can block the sunlight. Wiping the surface of the panels regularly can help to improve its performance. Though some panels also come with auto-cleaning wipers that can do this work autonomously.


Increase in Demand over the last few years

Since it operates on a clean power source, the system is gaining traction in many countries as the public is more inclined towards adapting environmental solutions these days.

In order to encourage people to adopt solar-powered technologies, the government of various countries such as the US, UK, Canada, etc., are offering incentives as a means to motivate people towards using these technologies. According to numbers, the price of solar, including a solar-powered camera system has decreased by 70% while the number of adoptions has increased by 6000% from 2005 to 2014.


Benefits of Wireless Solar-powered Security Cameras

1-Flexible Location

One of the key benefits of the solar camera is that it can be installed anywhere and can sustain rainy and foggy days as long as there is sufficient sunlight available. It doesn’t require the use of cables and a power grid to work. It can easily be installed in remote sites or geographically challenging environments.

2- Easy to Install

The installation procedure is straightforward and can quickly be installed in any desired location. No need to run through the problems of messy cables and drill holes. The system is also removable and can be transferred easily to another site or location. The installation manual records step-by-step illustration of how to install the solar cameras and one can easily follow along.

3-Environmental Friendly

The system offers a green solution and doesn’t harm the environment. There are no side effects of using solar-powered cameras as it doesn’t cause any pollution.

4- 24 Hours surveillance

During the day the solar camera works on the solar light and during the night, the rechargeable batteries are used as a power source. This helps the system to be up and running throughout the day and night. The camera also comes with night vision capability to enhance the vision when there is not enough lighting available.

5- Longer life Span

The solar panel is the crucial part of the system and it is manufactured using the latest technologies, thanks to the phenomenal advances in science that have remarkably increased the efficiency of solar panels which can now last for several years without the reduction in its efficiency.

6-Integrated LED lights with Solar Camera

outdoor light with camera

This is an upgraded version of the product that combines the provision of LED lights with an integrated camera. This provides two functions, 24-hour surveillance, and a lighting solution during the night. The system comes with an intelligent control system that scientifically calculates the lighting output based on weather and battery capacity.

7- Camera Features

The system supports local and remote operations, like video recording, pictures, timer recording, night vision cameras, etc. It brings compatibility with android, IOS, and Windows operating systems.


The initial cost of buying the complete system might be a heavy investment, but the future benefits and zero running cost outweigh those initial one-time costs.

 9-Motion Sensors

There are some Wireless Solar Powered Security Camera product variants that also have a motion sensor installed to monitor and alarm the movement of people walking under it. The system sends alert whenever it detects a person walking under its area of operation and has the provision of sounding the alarm.

10-Scalability & 4G/WIFI Connectivity

Many variants are also coming into the markets with 4G and WIFI connectivity which helps the user to connect it with the cloud and operate it remotely. 4G solar surveillance cameras are capable of covering vast areas, can connect and record to a 4g security camera, and backup surveillance footage to a cloud platform with remote accessibility.

4G security cameras are the perfect solution for all one outdoor surveillance systems with cloud storage


solar panel

Qu'est-ce qu'un panneau solaire et comment fonctionne-t-il ?

Qu'est-ce que la Solaire L'énergie des panneaux solaires ?

Le soleil est la principale source d'énergie de la terre. L'énergie solaire est l'énergie qui provient directement du soleil. Elle est également appelée rayonnement solaire. L'énergie solaire atteint la surface de la terre sous la forme de rayons de soleil. Ces rayons sont une forme de rayonnement électromagnétique. L'énergie solaire constitue une source d'énergie propre et renouvelable. Le panneau solaire est la technologie qui exploite la puissance du soleil et la rend utilisable sous forme d'électricité. Cette énergie solaire continuera d'exister tant que le soleil brillera dans notre système solaire, c'est-à-dire pendant encore 5 milliards d'années.

Le potentiel de l'énergie solaire est énorme, puisque la terre reçoit sous forme d'énergie solaire environ 200 000 fois la capacité quotidienne de production d'électricité du monde. En bref, la quantité de lumière solaire qui frappe la surface de la terre en une heure et demie est suffisante pour alimenter toute la consommation de la terre pendant un an.

Qu'est-ce qu'un panneau solaire et comment fonctionne-t-il ?

Les panneaux solaires sont des cellules photovoltaïques (également appelées cellules solaires), qui sont constituées de matériaux semi-conducteurs (une substance qui peut conduire l'électricité dans certaines conditions mais pas dans d'autres), généralement du silicium. D'autres exemples de matériaux semi-conducteurs utilisés dans les panneaux solaires comprennent l'arséniure de gallium, le phosphure d'indium et le séléniure de cuivre et d'indium. Pour fabriquer une cellule solaire, il faut des trillions d'atomes de silicium sous la forme d'une couche de plaquette. Chaque atome de silicium contient des éléments extrêmement petits et minuscules appelés électrons. Ces minuscules électrons portent une charge électrique. Lorsque la lumière du soleil frappe les cellules, les photons présents dans la lumière du soleil libèrent les électrons de leurs atomes, et lorsque les électrons circulent dans la cellule, ils produisent de l'électricité.

Afin de disposer d'électrons supplémentaires, les fabricants ajoutent généralement du phosphore à la couche supérieure du silicium, ce qui confère une charge négative à cette couche. De même, la couche inférieure est dosée en bore, ce qui donne des électrons chargés positivement. Il en résulte un champ électrique aux extrémités des couches de silicium.

solar panel manufacturer

Les plaques métalliques conductrices situées sur les côtés de la cellule permettent de collecter les électrons et de les transférer vers un fil où ils circulent comme toute autre source d'électricité. Les panneaux doivent être montés perpendiculairement à l'arc du soleil pour maximiser leur utilité.

En fonction de l'ensoleillement, s'il est brillant, beaucoup d'électrons seront déplacés, ce qui entraînera la circulation d'un grand nombre de courants électriques. Si le temps est nuageux, il y aura un petit nombre d'électrons en mouvement et le courant sera donc réduit.

La nuit, comme il n'y a pas de soleil, le panneau solaire ne produit pas d'électricité et nous devons compter sur des batteries pour garder les lumières allumées.

Dans une configuration bien équilibrée, le champ solaire est capable de produire suffisamment d'électricité pendant la journée pour pouvoir l'utiliser pendant la nuit. Le champ solaire envoie de l'électricité en courant continu (CC) au banc de batteries par l'intermédiaire du régulateur de charge. L'onduleur prélève alors l'énergie du parc de batteries et la convertit de courant continu en courant alternatif (CA). Le courant alternatif peut ensuite être utilisé pour alimenter les charges dans les maisons ou les bâtiments commerciaux.

Panneau solaire Efficacité

Chaque module photovoltaïque du panneau solaire est évalué en fonction de sa puissance de sortie en courant continu dans des conditions standard. La plage de puissance typique se situe entre 100 et 365 W. Le rendement d'un module à une puissance nominale donnée détermine la surface du module. Un module de 230 W ayant un rendement de 8 % aura une surface deux fois supérieure à celle d'un module de 230 W ayant un rendement de 16%.

Un seul module ne peut produire qu'une quantité limitée d'énergie. C'est pourquoi la plupart des installations comportent plusieurs modules qui ajoutent des tensions et du courant au système. Les cellules solaires sont disposées en un grand groupe appelé réseau et ces réseaux sont composés de plusieurs milliers de modules individuels qui fonctionnent comme des centrales électriques. Actuellement, le meilleur taux de conversion de la lumière du soleil est d'environ 21,5%.

Avantages des panneaux solaires

L'un des principaux avantages des panneaux solaires est qu'ils fournissent une énergie propre. Avec l'avènement du changement climatique, le monde se tourne désormais vers les sources d'énergie renouvelables, et l'énergie solaire est considérée comme une bonne alternative. L'utilisation de sources d'énergie renouvelables comme le soleil réduirait la pression sur l'atmosphère causée par la libération de gaz à effet de serre.

L'énergie solaire est une source d'énergie renouvelable illimitée. Elle a l'impact le moins négatif sur l'environnement par rapport aux autres sources d'énergie utilisées dans le monde. Elle ne produit pas de gaz à effet de serre et ne pollue pas l'eau. La production d'énergie solaire ne génère pas de bruit, ce qui est un grand avantage pour la population urbaine.

L'énergie solaire peut être déployée partout dans le monde tant qu'il y a du soleil. Elle est particulièrement utile pour les régions isolées qui n'ont accès à aucune source d'électricité. Une grande majorité de la population mondiale vit dans des endroits où elle n'a pas accès à l'électricité. Des solutions indépendantes pourraient être déployées dans ces régions et avoir un impact positif sur des millions de vies.


La production d'énergie solaire permet également de réduire les pertes d'énergie. Une partie de l'énergie est perdue lorsqu'il y a une distance entre les lignes de production et d'approvisionnement, plus la distance est grande, plus l'énergie est perdue. Le fait d'avoir des panneaux solaires directement connectés aux lumières ou sur le toit élimine ces pertes.

L'installation des panneaux solaires est simple et facile, ce qui signifie qu'ils peuvent être installés n'importe où, en profitant des espaces verticaux et horizontaux. Cet aspect facilite l'installation de projets à petite échelle.

La production d'énergie à partir du soleil réduit considérablement les coûts. Il s'agit d'une source d'énergie inépuisable qui n'est pas soumise aux fluctuations du marché. L'évolution récente a fait chuter de manière significative les prix des composants utilisés dans la fabrication des panneaux solaires et les a rendus relativement bon marché et abordables au cours des dernières années.

Les panneaux solaires n'ont pas de pièces mobiles, ils nécessitent moins d'entretien et peuvent durer des dizaines d'années s'ils sont correctement entretenus. Une fois que le système a amorti son coût d'installation, il produit de l'électricité gratuitement pendant le reste de sa durée de vie, qui peut être d'environ 15 à 20 ans.

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solar street lamp

Lampes de rue solaires Installation et construction

Solar street lamps are powered by crystalline silicon solar cells, they have maintenance-free valve-regulated sealed batteries(colloidal batteries or lithium batteries) to store electrical energy. These Ultra-bright LED lamps are used as a light source which is controlled by the intelligent charge and discharge controllers thus replacing the traditional public electric lighting street lamps.

solar street lamp installation

Solar street light powered by the sun which doesn’t require the need for cables and comes with zero electricity charges.  It has the advantages of having good stability, long life, high luminous efficiency, ease of installation, and maintenance. Solar light has both economical and practical benefits, it follows high safety standards,  operates on higher energy conservation and is environmentally friendly, solar street lamp can widely be used in urban primary and secondary roads, communities, factories, tourist attractions, parking lots, and other places.

Solar street lamp Installation Guidance and Steps:

  1. Dig a foundation pit at a depth of 1.5m from ground zero that has a square opening with a border of 0.8×8M. Put the four-corner foundation cage into the pit, and keep the extended part about 0.1 M above the ground (note that the threaded part should not be damaged). At the same time, insert a pipe with a diameter of 80MM into the foundation pit followed by concrete to get it street lamp installation instruction
  2. Dig a battery tank foundation at a depth of 0.8-1.0 meters that has an opening of 1.0×0.6 meters around the attachment.
  3. 4-7 days after the concrete solidifies, prepare to erect the lamp pole
  4. Install the LED lamp on the lamp arm and fix it with the main lamp post.
  5. Start threading: Thread the 2.5mm2 wire (one red and one black) from the inner arm and the pole of the LED lamp to the bottom of the lamp pole and then connect it with the output end of the controller.
  6. Fix the lamp and then fix the arm.
  7. Fix the cross arm of solar panel bracket with bolts on the main lamp pole.
  8. Place the solar panel on the bracket frame and then fix the solar panel on the bracket with screws. At the same time, connect the wires from the junction box of the panel and pass them through the battery panel bracket and the cross arm to the lower part of the lamp post.                                                                                                             solar street lamp installation
  9. Fasten the solar panel bracket to each end of the cross-arm.                                                                                                  solar street light installation
  10. Put the battery into the battery box, pass the wires through the steel wire hose, and fix the bolts and steel wire hose. Place the battery into the battery tank and move the steel wire hose through the pipe of diameter 60-80mm inside the foundation. It is better to keep the steel wire hose above the ground and backfill with soil to level it.
  11. Controller wiring: Connect to the controller in the order of battery, solar panel and load (note: first “-” then “+” to prevent short circuit);solar street lamp controller
  12. The wires on the battery are connected to the fan controller and the solar controller respectively.
  13. Remove the input line of the solar panel from the solar controller. After about 1 minute, if the bulb turns on normally, it means that the line is connected correctly. Otherwise, the connection is wrong and needs to be checked. Then put the controller into the lamp pole; Erect the lamp post.
  14. Use the crane to pull up the lamp pole, align the flange hole of the lamp pole with the embedded part (pay attention to the direction of the lamp), and then fix it with light installation
  15. Check whether or not the bolts of the lamp post and embedded part are fixed, whether or not the lamp is neat and aligned with the road, and also check whether or not the lamp posts of the complete road is neat, that is to check if all the lamp posts are in a straight line when seen from the first lamp post
  16. The installation of solar street lamps is basically the same as the installation process of traditional street lamps, but there are some differences, especially the installation of solar panels and batteries. Installation and construction procedure of solar street lamp includes a selection of lamp position, basic prefabrication, installation preparation (battery assembly, panel, and support), lamp pole assembly (thread running, lamp installation, panel technical support installation), hoisting, battery installation, controller installation, lamp pole calibration, acceptance, and handover.
solar battery bank

Li-ion Battery Basic Knowledge for Solar Street light Battery Pack

(1) Composition of Li-ion battery

Li-ion battery is mainly composed of two parts: battery cell and a protection board PCM (power battery is generally called battery management system BMS). The Li-ion Battery cell is the heart of Li-ion battery, and the management system is equivalent to the brain of a Li-ion battery.

The core is mainly composed of positive electrode material, negative electrode material, an electrolyte, a diaphragm, and a shell. The protection plate is mainly composed of protection chip (or management chip), MOS tube, resistance, capacitance, and a PCB board.

(2) Advantages and disadvantages of Li-ion battery

Li-ion battery has many advantages, such as high voltage platform, high energy density (lightweight, small volume), long service life, and environmental protection.

The disadvantage of lithium battery is that the price is relatively high, the temperature range is relatively narrow, and there are certain security risks (need to add protection system).

Comparison parameters of various batteriesLead-acid batteryNickel-cadmium battery
Nickel metal hydride battery
lithium battery
Nominal voltage

Weight energy density

(WH / kg)

Volume energy density

(WH / L)

Optimum working temperature (℃)-40~70-20~60-20~450~45
Environment friendlylead pollutionCadmium






Charger costLow
(Stabilizedvoltage source)
(Constant current source)

(Constant current source)

(Constant current and pressure)

(3) Li-ion Battery classification

Li-ion battery

Lithium batteries can be divided into two categories: disposable non-rechargeable batteries and rechargeable batteries (also known as a battery).

Non-rechargeable batteries such as lithium manganese dioxide batteries, lithium sulfimide batteries.

Rechargeable batteries can be divided into the following categories according to different situations.

  1. According to appearance: square lithium battery (such as ordinary mobile phone battery) and cylindrical lithium battery (such as 18650 of electric tools);
  2. According to the outsourcing materials: aluminum shell lithium battery, steel shell lithium battery, and soft bag battery.
  3. According to the cathode materials, lithium cobaltic acid (LiCoO2), lithium manganate (LiMn2O4), lithium ternary (linixcoymnzo2), and lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4);
  4. According to the state of electrolyte: lithium-ion battery (LIB) and polymer battery (PLB);
  5. According to usage: general battery and power battery.
  6. According to performance characteristics: high capacity battery, high-rate battery, high-temperature battery, low-temperature battery, etc.

(4) Explanation of common terms

  1. Capacity

It refers to the amount of electricity that can be obtained from lithium battery under certain discharge conditions.

We know in high school physics that the formula of electric quantity is q = I * t, the unit is Coulomb, and the unit of battery capacity is specified as Ah (ampere-hour) or mAh (milliampere-hour). This means that a battery of 1Ah can be discharged for 1 hour with a current of 1A when it is fully charged.

In the past, the battery of Nokia’s old mobile phone (like bl-5c) was generally 500mah. Now, the current smartphone battery is 800-1900mah, the battery of the electric bicycle is generally 10-20ah, and the battery of the electric vehicles is generally 20-200ah.

  1. Charge rate / discharge rate

It indicates how much current is used for charging and discharging. It is generally calculated by the multiple of the nominal capacity of the battery, which is generally called “several C”.

For a battery with a capacity of 1500mah, 1c = 1500mah is specified. If discharging at 2c,it means discharging at 3000ma current. Charging and discharging at 0.1c means it is charging and discharging at 150mA current.

  1. Voltage (OCV: open circuit voltage)

The battery voltage generally refers to the nominal voltage of lithium battery (also known as rated voltage). The nominal voltage of ordinary lithium battery is generally 3.7V, we also call its voltage platform 3.7V. When we say voltage, we generally mean the open-circuit voltage of the battery.

When the capacity of the battery is 20-80%, the voltage is concentrated around 3.7V (3.6-3.9v), when the capacity is too high or too low, and the voltage changes greatly.

  1. Energy/power

When the battery is discharged according to a certain standard, the energy (E) that the battery can discharge is Wh (watt-hour) or kWh (kilowatt-hour), and 1kwh = 1-kilowatt hour.

The physics book has a basic concept, e = u * I * t, which is also equal to the battery voltage times the battery capacity.

The formula of power is p = u * I = E / T, which represents the energy that can be released per unit time. The unit is w (W) or kW (kW).

For a battery with a capacity of 1500mah, the nominal voltage is generally 3.7V, so the corresponding energy is 5.55wh.

  1. Resistance

Since charging and discharging cannot be equivalent to an ideal power supply because of certain internal resistance. The internal resistance consumes energy. The smaller the internal resistance, the better it is.

The unit of battery internal resistance is milliohm (m Ω).

Generally, the internal resistance of a battery consists of ohmic internal resistance and a polarized internal resistance. The size of the internal resistance is affected by the material, manufacturing process and the structure of the battery.

  1. Cycle life

Once the battery is charged and discharged, it is called a cycle, and the cycle life is an important indicator to measure the battery life performance.

According to IEC standard, the lithium battery of the mobile phone shall be discharged to 3.0V at 0.2C and charged to 4.2V at 1C. The battery capacity shall be maintained above 60% of the initial capacity after 500 cycles. In other words, the cycle life of lithium battery is 500 times.

According to the national standard, the capacity shall remain at 70% of the initial capacity after 300 cycles.

If the battery capacity is less than 60% of the initial capacity, it is generally considered to be scrapped.

  1. DOD: depth of discharger

It is defined as the percentage of the rated capacity released by the battery.

Generally, the deeper the discharge depth is, the shorter the battery life is.

  1. Cut off voltage

The termination voltage is divided into charging termination voltage and discharging termination voltage, that is, the voltage at which the battery cannot continue to be charged or discharged. If the battery is continued to be  charged or discharged at the termination voltage, the battery life is going to be greatly affected.

The charge-discharge termination voltage of lithium battery is 4.2V and 3.0V respectively.

It is strictly prohibited to charge or discharge lithium batteries beyond the termination voltage.

  1. Self-discharge

It refers to the rate of decrease in capacity durisolar batteriesng storage, expressed as the percentage of capacity decrease per unit time.

The self-discharge rate of general lithium battery is 2% ~ 9% / month.

  1.   SOC (State of Charge)

This refers to the percentage of the remaining power of the battery and the total power that can be discharged, 0 ~ 100%. Reflect the remaining battery power.


(5) Li-ion Battery naming rules

Different battery manufacturers have different naming rules, but we all follow a unified standard for general batteries. The size of the battery can be known according to the name of the battery

According to IEC61960, the rules for cylindrical and square batteries are as follows:

  1. Cylindrical battery, 3 letters followed by 5 numbers,

Three letters, the first letter represents the negative electrode material, I means there is a  built-in lithium-ion, L represents the lithium metal or lithium alloy electrode. The second letter indicates the positive electrode material, C indicates cobalt, n indicates nickel, m indicates manganese, and V indicates vanadium. The third letter is R for a cylinder.5 digits, the first 2 digits represent the diameter, the last 3 digits represent the height, all in mm.

  1. Square battery, 6 digits after 3 letters,

Three letters. The first two letters have the same meaning as a cylinder. The last one is p, which means square.

There are six digits, the first two digits indicate the thickness, the middle indicates the width, the last two indicate the height (length), the unit is also mm.

For example, ICR 18650 is a universal 18650 cylindrical battery with a diameter of 18mm and a height of 65mm;

ICP 053353 is a square battery with a thickness of 5mm, a width of 33mm, and a height (length) of 53mm.

(6) Li-ion Battery technology

There are some differences in the process flow of different batteries and different manufacturers, and the detailed process flow will be very complex. The basic process flow, the process flow of cell manufacturing and the process flow of pack manufacturing are listed below.

The production process of an electric cell mainly includes pole piece manufacturing, electric cell manufacturing, battery assembly, liquid injection, chemical formation, separation, and other processes.

From batching to winding, the positive and negative electrodes are made in different workshops at the same time. After the positive and negative electrodes are made, the subsequent processes are done together. Different QA links of quality inspection will be inserted in the middle.

(7) Group and series-parallel connection of Li-ion Battery

In different fields, the requirements for batteries are different. The system has some special requirements for voltage, capacity, internal resistance, etc. often a single battery cannot meet the requirements, it needs to be connected in series and parallel to supply power to the outside.

The performance of batteries in series and in parallel is determined by the performance of the worst battery, which is often referred to as the “barrel principle”. Therefore, the most important point of battery grouping is the consistency of battery performance parameters.

For example, a notebook, electric bicycle, electric vehicle, energy storage system, etc. all need to consider the series and parallel connection of the batteries to form a battery pack.

The battery voltage of the notebook is generally 11.1v or 14.8V, mainly 18650 batteries, so it is generally 2 series and 3 parallel or 2 series and 4 parallel.

Apple iPad is three polymer batteries connected in parallel, with a capacity of about 25wh.

The electric bicycle and electric motorcycle systems are generally 24V, 36V, 48V, 60V, and 72V systems. See the following table for specific group conditions (s represents a series connection).

Pure electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles (EV / PHEV) have a higher voltage, about 250 ~ 500V, and the maximum voltage will be more than 150 knots connected in series.

In addition, there are many things to be considered in the grouping of batteries in a series-parallel connection, such as the consistency of the battery voltage platform, the consistency of the battery capacity, the consistency of the internal resistance of the battery, etc.

The consistency of battery parameters after a series-parallel connection has a great influence on the performance and life of the battery.

Battery pack voltageLithium manganate / ternary lithiumLithium iron phosphate

 8) Comparison of various power batteries

Power battery is mainly considered in terms of its application, mainly used in electric vehicles, electric bicycles, electric tools and so on.

The power battery is different from an ordinary battery, but it has some special characteristics

  1. Series and parallel connection of batteries
  2. The battery has a larger capacity
  3. The discharge rate of the battery is high (hybrid power and electric tools)
  4. The battery has higher safety requirements
  5. The battery has a wide operating temperature range
  6. The service life of the battery is long, generally 5-10 years

Due to the particularity of the power battery, there are some differences in its process and materials. According to the situation of positive electrode materials, it is mainly divided into lithium manganate (LiMn2O4), lithium ternary (linixcoymnzo2), lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4), etc. its voltage platform, energy density, price, safety, etc. all have certain differences. See the comparison in the table below for details:

(lithium cobaltite is rarely used as power battery due to its poor stability and high price, which is listed and compared in the table below)

ItemsSpecificationcobalt acid lithiumTernary lithiumManganate lithiumLithium iron phosphate
1tapped density(g/cm3)2.8~3.02.0~2.32.2~2.41.0~1.4
2Specific surface area(m2/g)0.4~0.60.2~0.40.4~0.812~20
3Capacity density(Ah/kg)135~140155~165100~115130~140
4Voltage platform(V)
5Recycle times>300>800>500>2000
6transition metalPoorPoorRich Much rich
7Material costVery highHighLowLow
8Environment friendlyCobaltContaining nickel and cobalt/   /
10ApplicationSmall batterySmall battery, Small power batteryPower batteryPower Battery, Super capacity power supply

(9) Lithium battery model

In terms of electrical characteristics, the internal resistance of the battery is not completely equivalent to a resistor. For details, please refer to the foreign PNGV equivalent circuit model. As shown in the figure below.

The internal resistance of the battery is mainly composed of ohmic resistance R0 and polarization resistance R1, where C1 is the polarization capacitance.

There are two main test methods for battery internal resistance measurement in the industry. The DC discharge method and the AC injection method, which cannot be measured by the ordinary method of measuring resistance, but can only be measures by the special internal resistance measuring instrument.

The internal resistance of the battery is an important parameter reflecting the performance and life of the battery. When the cycle life of the battery approaches, the internal resistance of the battery increases sharply. The relationship between the number of cycles and the internal resistance is shown in the figure below.

10) Electrical characteristics and key parameters of Li-ion Battery

  1. The charge-discharge curve of the battery

The charge and discharge curve of lithium battery refers to the relationship curve between battery capacity and the open-circuit voltage. According to the discharge curve, the battery’s power can be roughly estimated, as shown in the figure below.

The charge-discharge curve of lithium battery is not only related to the charging and discharging current but also to the temperature. As shown in the figure below.

  1. Key parameters of the battery

Due to its own characteristics, lithium battery cannot be overcharged, over-discharge, over-current, or over temperature. Therefore, considering safety and battery life, the battery should be properly protected. There are several parameters that are often encountered, and they are listed in parallel. There is little difference in voltage between different manufacturers. However, there will be some differences between batteries with different operating temperatures, different discharge rates or different manufacturers.

Comparison itemManganate lithium/Ternary LithiumLithium iron phosphate
Cut-off charge voltage4.2V3.6V
Discharge Cut-off Voltage3.0V2.0V
Operation temperature-20~60℃-10~65℃
Maximum discharge rate3~10C3~10C

11) Li-ion Battery protection and management requirements and systems

Due to the characteristics of lithium batteries, it is necessary to add a battery protection board (PCM) or a battery management system (BMS). Batteries without a protection board or management system are prohibited to use, and there will be huge safety risks. Safety is always the first priority for battery systems.

If the battery is not well protected or managed, there may be a risk of a shortened life, damage, or explosion.

The PCM (power circuit module) is mainly used in consumer products such as mobile phones and notebooks.

Battery management system (BMS) is mainly used in power batteries, such as electric vehicles, electric bicycles, energy storage, and other large-scale systems.

The main functions of PCM include OVP, UVP, OTP, OCP, etc. In case of any abnormality, the system will cut off automatically to ensure the safety of the system.

The battery protection system technology is very mature, there are many related board factories, mainly concentrated in South China. And there are special IC manufacturers providing special lithium battery protection chips. This piece is relatively mature, and there are many mature protection IC chips in China.

In addition to the basic protection functions of the protection system, the main functions of the battery management system (BMS) include battery voltage, temperature, and current measurement, energy balance, SOC calculation and display, abnormal alarm, charge and discharge management, communication, etc. Some BMS systems also integrate heat management, battery heating, battery health status (soh) analysis, insulation resistance measurement, etc.

Introduction and analysis of BMS function:

  1. Battery protection is similar to PCM, which includes overcharge, over-discharge, over-temperature, over current, and short circuit protection. Like ordinary lithium manganese battery and ternary lithium battery, once the voltage of any battery exceeds 4.2V or the voltage of any battery falls lower than 3.0V, the system will automatically cut off the charging or discharging circuit. If the temperature of the battery exceeds the working temperature of the battery or the current is greater than the discharge current of the battery, the system will automatically cut off the current path to ensure the safety of the battery and the system.
  2. Energy balance of the whole battery pack after working for a certain period of time will show great differences that could be, due to having many batteries in series, due to the inconsistency of the cell itself, the inconsistency of working temperature or other reasons., This has a great impact on the life of the battery and the use of the system. Energy balance is to make up for the differences between individual cells to do some active or passive charge or discharge management to ensure battery consistency and prolong battery life.

There are two kinds of methods in the industry: passive equalization and active equalization. Passive equalization is mainly to balance the amount of power that is consumed by resistance. The active equalization is mainly to transfer the power of batteries with more power to less powerful batteries through capacitance, inductance or transformer. The comparison of passive and active equalization is shown in the table below.

Because the active equilibrium system is relatively complex and the cost is relatively high, the mainstream is still passive equilibrium.

Comparison itemPassive equilibriumActive equilibrium
Equilibrium modeResistance consumptionInductive equivalent transfer
Equilibrium efficiencyLowHigh
Program maturitymatureMore Mature
System complexityLowHigh
System costLOWHigh
  1. SOC calculation, battery power calculation is a very important part of BMS, many systems need to know the remaining power more accurately. Due to the development of technology, there are many methods for SoC calculation. If the accuracy requirements are not high, the residual power can be judged according to the battery voltage. The main and accurate methods are the current integration method (also called ah method), q = ∫ I DT, internal resistance method, neural network method, Kalman filter method, etc. The current mainstream in the industry is still the current scoring method.
  2. Communication. Different systems have different requirements for communication interfaces. The mainstream communication interfaces are SPI, I2C, can, RS485, etc. The automobile and energy storage systems are mainly can and RS485.

Due to the insufficient competition and the complexity of the BMS system, there are relatively few system manufacturers. The related chip manufacturers are mainly European and American manufacturers, and there are a few large companies in China as well. There are many opportunities in the future.

I hope that I can send an email to communicate with you about the technology, products, and manufacturers in BMS.

(12) Li-ion Battery charging requirements and systems

The mainstream charging method of lithium battery is constant current and constant voltage (CC / CV): constant current – constant voltage. The constant current if charged first and then the constant voltage is charged after reaching a certain potential.. A good charger can also trickle according to the battery voltage state. Some systems also add pulse charging mode in the back and set the end of charging according to the time.

General chargers integrate functions such as current limiting, voltage limiting, overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection, overtemperature protection, and anti-reverse connection. The specific charging system is shown in the figure below.

In addition, the charger charging is usually combined with PCM or BMS to do energy balance in the constant voltage charging stage.

For an ordinary lithium cobalt oxide battery, if the battery voltage is lower than 3.0V, the charger will start trickle charging (about 0.1C) to avoid damage to the battery. When the battery voltage is charged to 3.0V, it is changed to constant current charging (about 1C, the current depends on the system). It is detected that the battery voltage is converted to constant voltage charging when the battery voltage reaches 4.1V. When the battery current drops to about 0.1C, the charging is completed, and the charging system and the charging circuit are closed. The charging curve is shown in the figure below.

According to the different power, the charger adopts different control technology. The linear power supply is the main scheme for low power, and the switching power supply is the main scheme for high power. Charger technology has been quite mature, charger performance and efficiency are basically able to reach a relatively good level. There are many related manufacturers. The main technologies involved in the charger are mainly power supply technology and battery technology. The related manufacturers have also done power supply manufacturing before.

(13) Application fields of lithium batteries

Batteries are mainly used in consumer products, digital products, power products, medical and security.

Motive powerConsumer ElectronicsDigitalHealth careSecurityElectrothermalOthers
electric automobileMobile phoneDigital cameraPalm electrocardiograph Fire Emergency LightWarm clothingElectronic menu
Electric bicycleNotebookDigital vidiconvital signs monitorSecurity cameraHeating clothsElectric shaver
Electric motorcycleTablet PCBluetooth headsetA portable ultrasonic diagnostic instrumentPOS machineHandwarmerWireless charging
Energy storage systemNetbooksWireless mousePortable oximeterWireless callHeated insoleMilitary equipment
Backup power upsMIDBluetooth KeyboardPortable fetal sound monitorWireless doorbellWarm glovesWell detection
Electric toolGPSCar kitLaser treatment instrumentEntrance guard systemsearchlight
model airplaneE-bookLED flashlightWireless electronic medicalfingerprint identificationLED Screen
Wireless speakerEndoscopeRFID monitoringLED Solar Street Light
EyecareZig Bee anti-theft
Physiotherapy products
LUXMAN - Best selling all in one solar street light

Best Selling Solar Street Light in China

With the gradual improvement of people’s awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection, more and more people are ready to install solar street light instead of conventional LED Street Light. Among the numerous solar lamps, LUXMAN LIGHT’s S3 series integrated solar street lamps are one of the best selling solar street lights.

best selling solar street light

So what are the advantages of LUXMAN S3 Series best selling Solar Street Light?

Easy to install

Luxman S3 Series Best Selling  Solar Street Light 100% solar-powered, stand-alone design, No wiring, and easy to install within a few minutes.

S3 Series integrated solar street lights adopted all-aluminum design with special powder paint pray surface treatment, it can be installed near the seaside or salty air places.

The adjustable mount type allows more flexible installation according to Latitude and longitude.

solar street light mounting base

Easy to control

Features Intelligent Power Management System which offers auto power compensation to optimize the light’s overall performance during critical weather conditions and at different geographic locations.

Three lighting modes are optional:

1. Motion sensing mode, i.e. 100% lighting when there is a person, 30% lighting after 30 seconds;

2. Timing mode: 1 h 70% + 2 h 100% + 2 h 50% + 7 h 30%;

3. Timing control and sensing hybrid mode: the first 5 hours time control, the last 7 hours sensing mode.

Users can choose the working mode, operation time per night, and brightness by remote.

solar street light controller

Three LED indicators show real status of key components


Indicators PhenomenonResult


Blue indicators

Flashing It indicates the solar panel is working(battery is being charged).
ON without flashingIt indicates that the battery is fully charged.
Green indicatorsFlashingIt indicates that the battery power is not enough and needs to be changed urgently.
ON without flashingIt indicates that the battery power is working well.
RED indicators it indicates that the LED lamp is working, otherwise, the LED lamp is not working.


Easy to maintain

Sensor and controller module replacement

Modular design can be easily replaced by removing the corresponding screws.

Battery replacement

Pull out design, pull out the battery box, and then remove the corresponding screws to replace it.

best selling solar street lights


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solar camera street light

Frequently Solar Camera Street Lights Questions & Answers

 1. How does solar camera lights work?

The system of solar street light with a camera can be divided into two subsystems of LED lighting + camera system.

They are working independently with no mutual interference.

solar camera

2. Can the camera PTZ control?

The standard solar camera street lights are fixed fixtures (not PTZ), but it can be fine adjusted before mounting.

the night vision function has been removed because the LED lighting will provide enough light to the camera when at night.


3. What devices are supported by the solar camera street lights system?

Computer, IOS & Android system devices like mobile, tablet, smart TV.

ip solar camera

4. How to add more users to the camera?

You can add more user, but please note that the camera support 4-6 users to check the camera at the same time. The connection procedures is the same as the first user.

Note: When Wifi changed, the first user needs to reset the camera firstly(follow reset procedures on page 9), after that other users start to connect the camera.


5. How large is the TF card?

There is storage 32GB TF card inside the camera, which can sustain for 10-12 days video and picture storage.


6.Cover Range of the Camera?

The viewing distance of the camera depends on the mounting height.

the standard pixel is 1,000,000 pixels, support HD1280P, and 720P video & photo.


7. How does Camera Working?

There are two kinds of working models of the camera available.

– the 1st is, local mode

Under the local mode, the camera will create a WIFI hot spot, you can use a cell phone/tablet APP to connect with the camera then operate the camera on the cell phone.

The ideal distance is 10-12 meters far from the camera.

– the 2nd is, remote mode

Under this remote mode, the camera has to connect with WLAN(such as the home/office WIFI) through your cell phone.

After successfully connecting, you can use your cellphone, tablet, and computer to operate the camera in any place if there is a WLAN or 4G network, including data transmission.

if a group of solar streets light with cameras have connected with WLAN, you can add all cameras in your cell phone APP or computer software to operate them centrally.

solar street light power system

How to design and calculate solar street light power system?

We usually analyze various factors affecting the solar street light power system firstly, and then calculate the actual solar street light power system according to the situation. When designing the solar street lamp power system, we generally calculate the daily power generation, storage, and power storage according to the power consumption of the lamp, and […]

solar street light rural

Solar Street Light Light Up Rural Areas in China

In recent years, more and more solar street light rural are used and concerned, among which solar street lamps are also used in many villages, rural areas. After the Cov-19 epidemic, the Chinese government has formulated 30 trillion infrastructure plans to stimulate the economy. The new rural reconstruction project is also one of them. The government encourages enterprises to provide advanced lighting products in the countryside. Through these projects, more and more remote mountain villages are equipped with solar street lamps, which makes the local villagers’ nightlife more convenient and safe.

Rural install solar street light general installation distance interval, first depends on the width of the road and the demand for lighting: spacing between rural street light pole, not corresponding national standards requirements, rural street lamp is commonly adopted unilateral lighting, according to the regulation of city road lighting for spacing (CJJ45-2015) national standards, as long as reach: spacing installation height of ≤3 times. For example, the installation height of the lamp pole is 8 meters, so the spacing within 24 meters is in line with the requirements.

It is necessary to consider the lighting requirements and the characteristics of the place when distributing solar street lamps. For example, 20W and 30W solar street lamps can be selected for general rural roads, and the installation distance is 25-30 meters. If the wattage is too large, it is a bit of a waste of resources, and too little wattage can not play an application role.

In rural areas, the distance between the street lamps is 30 to 50 meters. Generally, there are three kinds of install lamps: one side install lamp, two side cross install lamps, and two side symmetrical install lamps. For special cases such as T-junction light, intersection light, and bend light, the light can be distributed according to the actual situation. If both motor vehicle lane and non-motor vehicle lane need lighting, one side or two sides two-way lighting can be used.

(1) when the road width is less than 10 meters, it is enough for solar street light rural to use unilateral lighting.

(2) when the width of road lighting is 10-15 meters, LUXMAN LIGHT recommends the installation of solar street lamps by means of cross-install lamps on both sides.

(3) when the width of road lighting is more than 15 meters, it is advisable to install solar street lamps in the way of relative lighting on both sides. For example, the optimal distance of the 60W split solar street lamp is 30-50 meters, and the 30W integrated solar LED street lamp is 30 meters.

(4) for the T-shaped intersection, a T-shaped lamp can be arranged near the triangle, and at least two lamps can be arranged near the intersection for lighting.

(5) the road junction is generally equipped with a surveillance camera, which needs to be filmed clearly and can be arranged according to the shooting requirements.

6) solar lamps are generally arranged on the outside of the bend to avoid accidental traffic hitting the lamp-post.


LUXMAN - spring

The Coronavirus Will Pass, and The Light Will Come

When new coronavirus pneumonia broke out in the world, when many cities were closed down, when partners were in trouble, Luxman light offered little effort to prevent and control the epidemic. For the Luxman’s partners of the world, we sent some free medical materials to them.

Since ancient times, human beings have been fighting against viruses. The technological and scientific progress we have made enables us to curb the spread of the coronavirus and reduce the loss of human life. Today’s health system is much stronger than ever before. Scientists tell us that viruses are random, they have no nationality. Viruses are our collective challenge. We are either United or defeated by fear. At present, China has controlled the epidemic, people’s lives and work have been basically normalized, and children have returned to school classes.

People all over the world are doing the same job as us, and their families are hanging on the same heart like us. Just want to tell you through these experiences, don’t worry and don’t be afraid, the epidemic will eventually pass, because there are many heroes who are doing their best to win this epidemic Resistance War, for the sake of lovers, relatives, friends, our compatriots, and our tomorrow.

A river is formed by collecting water, and a mountain is formed by accumulating soil. If people work together, the haze will disappear and the light will come.

Luxman Light Team
May 21, 2020



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