Schlagwortarchiv für: Solar-Parkleuchten


Warum sind unabhängige Solarleuchten die beste Beleuchtungslösung für Parks und Erholungsgebiete?

The purpose of parks and recreation is to provide a safe and healthy environment for the people of the community, to keep the parks open during nights there is a need of illuminating it with lights and a self-contained solar lighting system offers the best solution to that.

Der self-contained and self-sufficient solar lighting solutions are ideal for general illumination in the city parks and recreations areas, as solar lights can be utilized anywhere light is needed, without the restriction of where power and how power is available, the possibilities of ensuring proper and renewable lighting to all areas are limitless!

solar lighting systems are a low-maintenance way to improve safety and visibility.

Below are some great ways a self-contained Solarleuchten solution can fulfill the power needs.

Natural Parks:

The purpose of the natural parks is to give a real and natural feel to the observer. And to make it safe for the tourists, lighting the park is the utmost priority of the management. Most natural parks like to feature the surrounding areas without minimum disruption, so developing a traditional solution of lighting can cause disruption in the form of trenching and wiring. This would disturb the area greatly and can cause damage to the inhabitants. Another problem with these natural parks is that they are often at remote locations far away from grid stations. So instead of relying on conventional lighting, a solar street lighting system is a great option without disturbing the environment. The only thing to consider while installing this system is to avoid shaded areas as they will prevent the sunlight falling on the solar panels.

natural park light

Swimming Pools & Golf Resorts:

Almost in every community, there is a pool, clubhouse, and golf resort available. People tend to use these facilities during weekends or after their work hours which is mostly during nighttime. Keeping these places illuminating is necessary for the management of the community and the solar lighting system is the go-to-solution for these places.

 Walking tracks:

 People tend to walk along the seashore or manmade tracks in the mountains for their entertainment. These areas range from very remote to downtown areas and lighting along the trails is important to keep it safe for the people. Having an off-grid solution like a solar lighting system is the perfect choice for these places since this can be installed anywhere along the trails without the need for wiring and fix power sources. This would provide safety and security to those using the trails during early mornings and late nights.



 One of the most important concerns for people who are bringing their kids to playgrounds is their child safety. The Self-contained Solar Lights system is a great way to illuminate those playing areas to make parents feel safe about their children. By illuminating these areas allow the neighbors, law enforcement people to visually inspect the area at night to ensure safety.

For places where summers are extremely hot and have more sunny days, people tend to stay indoors during the day and only get out when there is dark, and the atmosphere is cool enough. This is usually the situation in the middle east and Asian countries. For these places, the solar lighting system is a great choice as it will keep the parks illuminating during nights without any running cost to the members of the community.

solar playground light

Dog Parks:

Dog parks are becoming popular in every town around the world. These parks provide a good opportunity to socially interact with people while on a dog walk. Since people take their dogs out before or after their work, it usually becomes dark especially during winters when days are shorter. Providing lighting at dog parks on the trails, parking lots, and entrance provide safety to the people who are out during mornings or late nights.

Hiking tracks

Hiking tracks which are man-made and built-in remote locations are a great place for nature lovers who love hiking in the mountains. Since, these tracks are mostly away from urban areas and have no access to grid stations, the solar lighting system is the only suitable choice here. Without hurting the environment and tracks these can be installed along the trails and can make the track safe for the people. Having a lighting system also helps in getting the attention of tourists and can increase the inflow of people there.

There are so many great and innovative ways for the parks and recreation management to use solar lighting system for the benefits of the community. Installing lighting on pathways, parking lots, around the boundary of the parks are some of the ways solar lighting system can be used. Also, now that the technology has advanced there is an automatic feature available in the solar lighting systems that turn on and off automatically while efficiently maintain the energy balance. The automated features of the solar street lighting make it impressive and economical as compared to the conventional lighting system. There is no need to monitor the time when it should turn. n on and off. So, it removes the need for extra resources

hiking tracks solar light


5 Vorteile von solarbetriebenen Parkplatzleuchten – Luxman Light

Normalerweise gibt es viel Freiraum im Parkplatz im Freien. Wenn netzbetriebene Parkleuchten installiert werden, müssen sie an das Stromnetz angeschlossen und Kabel verlegt werden. Da die Solarparkleuchten jedoch unabhängig voneinander konstruiert sind und allein funktionieren, gibt es diese Probleme nicht, sodass die Solarparkleuchten immer häufiger eingesetzt werden. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine kurze Analyse der Vorteile von Solarparkleuchten gegenüber herkömmlichen netzbetriebenen LED-Straßenlaternen.


Installation überall

Da die Solar-Parkplatzbeleuchtung nicht an das Stromnetz angeschlossen werden muss, gibt es für die Installation eine Standortbeschränkung. Sie kann auf abgelegenen Inseln, in abgelegenen Lagern, auf Landstraßen usw. installiert werden. Zusätzlich zu diesen abgelegenen Gebieten können Solar-Straßenlaternen auch in Gebieten installiert werden, die anfällig für Naturkatastrophen sind, da diese Gebiete höhere Sicherheitsanforderungen stellen. So hat die japanische Regierung beispielsweise vorgeschrieben, dass am Flussufer keine Wechselstrombeleuchtung installiert werden darf. Daher sind Gleichstrom-Solar-Straßenlaternen eine gute Wahl.

Keine Stromverkabelung

Solare Parkplatzbeleuchtung spart Zeit und Geld, da keine Gräben für die Verlegung herkömmlicher elektrischer Leitungen ausgehoben werden müssen. Stattdessen wird ein Ankermast auf einem Betonfundament installiert und die Solarstromanlage und die Leuchte oben auf dem Mast angebracht. So haben Sie in weniger als einem Tag Licht, ohne wochenlanges Graben und Gießen von neuem Beton.

KEINE Stromrechnung

Da die Solarstraßenlaterne 100% mit Sonnenenergie betrieben wird, handelt es sich um ein 100%-unabhängiges Beleuchtungssystem. Es entstehen keine Stromkosten und es wird keine Umweltverschmutzung verursacht. Es handelt sich außerdem um ein 100%-Beleuchtungssystem mit grüner Energie, sodass die Solarstraßenlaterne in einigen Ländern und Regionen mit hohen Stromkosten gut eingesetzt wird.


Durch Verbesserungen und Aktualisierungen der Solarbatterietechnologie ist die Qualität der Solarstraßenlaternen sehr stabil. Darüber hinaus liegt die Ausfallrate laut unseren Installationsaufzeichnungen und Projektdaten bei etwa 0,11 TP3T, sodass die Wartungskosten für die Händler oder Benutzer von Solarbeleuchtung sehr niedrig sind.

Schlau CKontrolle

Endbenutzer können die Beleuchtungsmodi über eine Fernbedienung oder eine Handy-App steuern. Sie können je nach Wetterbedingungen und Nutzungsumgebung ein- und ausschalten, die Helligkeit anpassen und den Beleuchtungsmodus auswählen. Der Betriebsstatus und die Fehlererkennung aller Komponenten können über die mobile App erkannt und überwacht werden.


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